Why Do People Think Learn Step by Step PIVOT Transformation is a Good Idea ? TIP #125

In the series of step by step SSIS learning, this is another interesting article. In this article we will try to implement PIVOT transformation in few easy steps.

Let’s understand the PIVOT by below example. Suppose, you have a salary data of employee as shown below.

Employee Name Salary($) Year
Sandeep 110000 2016
Sunil 120000 2016
Shreya 130000 2015
Virendra 140000 2015
Sandeep 120000 2014
Sunil 130000 2014

Now, if our requirement is something like below table then we would require PIVOT functionality.

Employee Name 2016 2015 2014
Sandeep 110000 0 120000
Sunil 120000 0 130000
Shreya 0 130000 0
Virendra 0 140000 0

In general, we say when we want to convert Rows data to Columns then this is called Pivoting.

Now, lets create a sample of PIVOT transformation with few basic steps. In this example, we are again using AdventureWorks database. EmployeePayHistory, Employee, People tables are base of our example. We wrote query which fetch data similar as shown above.


Let’s move step by step

Step 1: Add a dtsx package and drag drop data flow task as show in below figure.


Step 2:- Now, double click on Data flow task and drag drop data source and select SQL Data source and configure the SQL statement as shown below.



Step 3:- Now, We have to drag drop PIVOT transformation control as shown below.


Step 4:- Now, we have to configure the  PIVOT control. When you choose edit option then you will get the following screen.

Here, we have to choose Pivot Key, Pivot Value and Set Key.  In the Pivot Value we use the value which we have to show in the columns.



If you see pivoted output columns highlighted in yellow in above image is the year wise columns. if you are sure for the columns which you want as a pivot columns then you can add the name of the columns in place of [value1],[value2] etc. and click on Generate Columns Now button. (In current case we have limited years so we have added [1997] to [2004] values in this textbox and clicked on Generated Columns Now button due to which we got yellow required Pivot output columns as highlighted yellow.

Step 5:- Our configuration is not yet complete to configure this we have to click on advance setting and select Input and output properties.

Here, if you want to add any extra column as an output column which exist in Input columns  then you have to select Pivot Default Output and click on add column. Now, the main important point if we want to map it with existing input source column then in such case we have to add LineageId of that particular column.(AS highlighted in below images)



Step 6:- The another most important point is PivotUsage which is highlighted below. If we want to add columns which are not affecting the pivot then we have to update the value of PivotUsage to 0.


Step 7:- Once the Pivot is configure the next step is to provide the output of pivot to a destination. As a destination we are using Excel file as usual Smile.

So, drag drop excel destination source and configure it as shown in below figure .I hope you will not face any issue in this. If you are new and facing any difficulties then please visit previous articles of Zero to Hero in SSIS Series



Step 8 :- Once the configuration is done we will see below screen.


Step 9:- Now, once everything is completed then we run the package and we will get following screen.


Now to cross check we open the excel and cross check the data. When we open the excel, we found desire result.


So, We have achieved what we want. We did our first Pivot Transformation example.

Please, feel to drop your comment.

Enjoy !!!


The Unconventional Guide to How to Implement Lookup Transformations TIP #124

This is one the articles in the series of step by step SSIS tutorial. In this post, we are going to understand Lookup transformation and also see an example to implement Lookup transformation in 8 easy steps.

Now, Lookup transformation is one of the interesting transformation which is used to implement equijoin between data sources.
We are discussing the same example which we discuss in the earlier post which is Person & PersonPone tables of AdventureWorks.

Suppose, we want Person details and the phone number of person as a result then we can apply Lookup transformation.

When, we applied the Lookup transformation between Person & Person Phone table then we will get two result set.

One of the result sets is the Matched result set in which we will get the Person data and the First Matched Phone number while the PersonPhone table might have multiple phones for a person but we will get only one phone number record because Lookup transformation uses EquiJoin.

In the second result set, we will get unmatched Person records which mean the Person who doesn’t has a Phone number in PersonPhone table.

I think, we have a basic understanding of what is Lookup Transformation. Now, we are going to implement Lookup Transformation step by step.

Step 1:-
So, the first basic step is to add a package and drag-drop data flow task as shown in below figure. You can rename the  data flow task  as I did in below figure.


Step 2: – In this step drag drop a data source and configure it for Person table as shown in below figure. If you face any difficulties in this then you can review previous articles of this series


Step 3:- Once the Person table is configured just drag drop Lookup Transformation control and provide the input of Person table Data source to Lookup table. When you try to configure the Lookup you will get the following screen. We will discuss Cache mode separately in detail. In this example, we are using Full Cache and connection type to OLEDB connection Manager.

Now, Click on Connection option on the right and configure the PersonPhone table. 


Step 4:- Now, configure the Columns relationship between Person & PersonPhone table.To achieve this just drag-drop BusinessEntityId of available input columns of Person table to available Lookup columns which are in PersonPhone table and matched with BusinessEntityId which is common between Person & PersonPhone table. Here we have to select PhoneNumber column which we have to include in the result set.


Step 5:- Now, Drag drop two excel destination source and configure it. As, I did in below figures. Here one Excel is with name LookupOutput.xls which contain matched records.


Below, is another Excel which contains unmatched records. Here UnMatched means the Person records who don’t have phone numbers.


Step 6:- Now, If you see there are 3 output lines coming from Lookup transformation.So, First blue output gives it to Lookupoutput excel which will have all the matched records of person & Person Phone number. You can configure inputs as shown below.


Step 7:- In a similar way, we have to configure unmatched record output. Once, we done with configuration of both Matched & unmatched output, we will get following structure as shown in below screen



Step 8:-  Once, everything is configured you can run the package and if everything is perfect then you will get the following screen


I hope above steps are easy and you can implement Lookup Transformation at your end too.

Please, provide your inputs.

Enjoy !!!


How to do Step by Step Merge Join Transformations – #123


In last post tip #122, We discussed Merge transformation. Now in this tip, we are going to discuss Merge Join. Although, it might be confusing sometimes Merge & Merge Join. So, let me explain it here.

As explain earlier merge is like a union operation in which it just collect all the records from provided sources without any condition. suppose if we have Person & PersonPhones two sources as shown below

Below is Person table with two columns personId & Name

PersonId Name
1 Ram
2 Shyam
3 Ghanshyam

Below is PersonPhones table with two columns PersonId & Phone

PersonId Phone
1 9999
2 3122
3 3422

Now if we talk about merge transformation then the result would be as shown below

Merge Transformation output

PersonId Name Phone
1 Ram  
2 Shyam  
3 Ghanshyam  
1   9999
2   3122
3   3422

Now, If we talk about Merge Join transformation for above same inputs (Person, PersonPhones) then we will get following output

PersonId Name Phone
1 Ram 9999
2 Shyam 3122
3 GhanShyam 3422

So, Merge Join is basically a join like Inner join, Left outer join, Full outer join etc.

I hope you got the context. Here we go step by step to implement the Merge join transformation

Step 1:-  Add the different sources which you want. For this example I am taking two sources which have AdventureWorks database and one source have Person table & another one have PersonPhone as shown above in the example.

We added data flow task as shown in below image and renamed it to Merge join data flow task.


Now, in this data flow task, we will add data sources, in the first source we use person table and in the second source we use PersonPhone.

from person table, we are choosing BusinessEntityId, FirstName,MiddleName, LastName,suffix as shown in below figure


In the other source, we are using BusinessEntityId & Phone number columns.


If you find any issue in above steps then please, follow previous articles of step by step SSIS on Indiandotnet.

Step 2:- Now once the source is configured, we are going to drag drop merge control as shown in below figure.


Step 3:- Now to configure Merge join, we are going to drag drop inputs from the sources. When you try this at your end then you will get the following screen. Here you have to set left input and right input for the merge join.


Now, When you tried it you might found following warning. Which means the provided inputs of datasource1 & datasource2 are not sorted.


Step 4:- Here you have the option to add a Sort transformation and then provide input to merge join transformation control which is fairly simple and we have discussed in previous tips. Here, I am sharing one more option.

In this, you have to right click on DataSource and choose option Advance Editor by which you will get the following screen. You have to select “OLEDB Source output” of “Input and output Properties” tab.

Here, we need to make the IsSorted property to True as highlighted in below snap.


Step 5:- Once the above Step is done next step is click on output column’s BusinessEntityId value. Here you have to set the SortKeyPosition to 1.

As highlighted in below screen.


Step 6:- Once you configured sorted input sources then next step is to configure the merge join. So when you click on Edit option of merge join. You will get the following screen.

Here if you see, we can configure join type like Inner join, Left outer join, Full outer join.

For current example, we are choosing the option “Inner join”  and joining key is BusinessEntityId which is primary key in Person table and foreign key in PersonPhone table.


Once the configuration is done. We can select what are the columns which we need as an output.

Step 7:- Now, Next step is to configure the output in excel. for this, we drag & drop a destination source. In the current example, we are using Excel as a destination. We are mapping the columns of output to excel as shown in below figures.



Step 8:- Once, everything is configured. We run the package and if everything is working fine then we will get the following screen.


To cross check the result we open the excel and we get the output which we expected as shown in below figure.


I hope this article might help you to understand the Merge join.

Enjoy !!!


Step by Step Merge transformation control in SSIS TIP #122

In the Series of Zero to hero in SSIS  this is another post. In this post we are going to discuss Merge transformation control.

By the name it is clear that Merge transformation do some merge related task. For example suppose there is two sources which are source1

and source2. Now we want merge records of Source1 & Source2 then this transformation is helpful.

Although, sometimes you might confuse that there is already UNION ALL transformation the when to use UNION ALL or Merge transformation.

For Merge transformation we require sorted inputs and there is only two inputs required. The output of merge transformation will be sorted output.

Let’s start it Step by Step

Step 1:- Firstly configure the sources. In current example I am using AdventureWorks2008 database’s person table and using FirstName, LastName, MiddleName columns as a Source1. For Source2  I am using AdventureWorks2012 database’s person table and using FirstName, LastName, MiddleName again. (You can choose any different source like flat file, excel ,other data source provider as well to make it simple I am  using same source)


Step 2:- Once you setup your data source the next mandatory condition is the output should be sorted. So here we are using Sort transformation control. Now for first source we are sorting data on FirstName,MiddleName, LastName.


and for second source we are sorting data on FirstName , LastName ,MiddleName


Step 3: Now once we have two sorted input we are going to use Merge transformation control so just drag drop and configure it. As shown in below figure. So there are two inputs which is Merge Input 1 & Merge Input 2 and we configured the data according to our need. And if you see below screen you will find “Configure the properties used to merge two sorted inputs into one output” which means for Merge transformation we require two sorted inputs only.


Step 4:- Now,we want the output of merge transformation in an excel so, here dropped Excel destination and configure it.So  you can see below configured package with excel destination.


Step 5:- Now just hit F5 or run it. If everything configured properly then you will get all the green checks with no of rows count at each level as shown in below figure


Step 6:- We can cross check Excel also so in my case we got the required data as shown in below Excel’s snapshot.


So, Isn’t it simple ?

Here the important points to remember

1) Merge requires Sorted inputs only

2) Merge requires only two inputs

I hope this tutorial might help you. I appreciate your feedback.

Enjoy !!


Step by Step SSIS Multicast Transformation TIP #121

Dear Friends,

This is another post in the series of step by step SSIS ,Zero to hero series. In this post we will discuss another transformation control which is Multicast transformation.

Multicast is a way which help us to provide multiple copy of same source data for different transformation. Or in other words we can say multicast transformation create multiple pipelines for the same data.

Lets understand this by an example. Suppose, we are product developer and selling product in different state in India. Now ,the problem is same product may have different selling price due to different tax system. So, we have to use same data of product but there will be different discount according to sate tax.

Now, here we go step by step. for your information in this example we are going to use similar example which we did in last post of Derived column Transformation tip #120

Step 1:- Add a package and drag drop data flow task and configure source database. I am taking Adventurework2012 database and using product &  productCategory tables for source data query below is simple snap of data


Step 2:- Once the data is configured. Drag drop Multicast control  as shown in below figure and give output of source object to Multicast and try to configure it.


Step 3:- Now, when we have configured Multicast we can get multiple output from Multicast control. Suppose , One state is taking 10% WAT tax, another state taking 20% WAT tax and last one is taking no tax (wow that’s great). So we can drag drop derived column and configure then according to 10% ,20% WAT tax for reference you can take a look of tip #120 

I configured the the 3 different output in same way and adding the respective flat files. As shown in below figure you will see we added 3 files

1) with 10% ,with 20 % and without and tax


After configuration you will get structure something like as shown in below image. As a result we will get 3 flat files with 10% ,20% and without any change.


Step 4:- If you face any difficulty in Derived column configuration and moving the data to file please follow earlier post. Now once everything is configured run the package by pressing F5 or hitting run button you will get following screen. So , if you see Multicast providing similar row count to different output which is 295 rows.


We , can use this Multicast where we need multiple copy of same source data.

I hope this article might help you somewhere.

Enjoy !!!

RJ !!

Step by Step SSIS–Derived Column Transformation TIP # 120

Dear Friends,

In the series of Step by Step SSIS , Zero to Hero in SSIS this is another post in which we will try to understand what is Derived Column Transformation.

Let’s understand this by a real world example. Suppose, we are a shop keeper and our work is buy things from carpenter and sell them by adding our 20%  margin.

So , carpenters give us source data (file, sql server etc) with their rate according to product. What we do actually ,we add another column in our register by adding 20% which is our selling price. So ,our selling price column is a derived column here which we derived from source by adding some of our operations.

Isn’t it simple ?

Let’s understand this now step by step. I am using Adventureworks2012 database here as a source database and using product & ProductCategory table combination query. So , Assume this source data is data of carpenter’s products.  Here if you see below image we have productId, Product Name, color,Category & ListPrice (price at which we (Shop Keeper bought the the product)


Step 1:- It is useless to say here add a new Package in your project. Drag drop data flow task on canvas. Now double click the data flow task you will get a new screen where you need to drag drop source Assistance.

Now,need to configure source assistance where database will be adveturework2012.  If you see below we have same columns which we shared earlier in figure


Step 2:- I am sure you will not face any problem in configuration of source control. Now in step 2 we have to drag drop Derived column.  Once you drag drop derived column you need to provide output of source assistance to Derived Column Transformation. Now to configure this use context menu by right clicking and choose Edit option you will get below screen. Here we have different functions and operators which we can be utilized with columns and variables and parameters to create derived column.


If you see above highlighted row in image we can add a new column or can replace any existing column as shown in drop down.

Step 3:- If you see there is expression column also where we can add custom expression. Here we are multiplying 0.20 in list price and adding it again in Listprice and aliasing this new column SellingRate as shown in below figure


if you see below screenshot we can add other functions ,operators also.


Step 4:- I hope above steps are pretty much clear. Now add a destination file in which we will get derived column “SellingRate” . We have to configured the derived column. As shown in below figure we configured derived column.


Step 5:- Now, Once the destination file is configured run the package by pressing F5 or clicking run option. If everything working fine then we will get all the green checkbox sign as shown below figure


I hope this post might help you to understand the derived column.

Enjoy !!!


Step by Step SSIS–Union ALL Tip # 119


Dear All,

In the series of  zero to hero SSIS series this is one of the simplest transformation control which known as UNION ALL. 

As you might aware UNION in general term  which means collective. In SSIS UNION all control is doing the same task.

It collect all the inputs may be of same type of sources or different type of sources and  union them all and provides single output for the same.

Lets understand this by below example.

Suppose, We have different text files which contain fruits &  vegetables name. Now our aim is to combine all the fruits and vegetables name which exists in these files.

if you see below image you will find 3 files which FruitA (Contains fruit names start with letter A) , FruitB (Contain fruit names start with  letter B), FruitP (contains fruit name start with letter P)

Files Now we need to combine this file using UNION ALL transformation. So follow below step by step

1) Step 1:- Step 1 is simplest step and now you all well versed in this. We need to add a new SSIS package file and drag drop  data flow task .

2) Step 2:- Now add different flat file source for all the 3 files and configure all the 3 files  fruitA.txt, fruitB.txt , fruitP.txt .

3) Once we configured all the 3 flat file sources, We have to drag drop UNION ALL transformation control.Once we drag drop UNION ALL we can provide the output of all the 3 files as a input in UNION ALL control as shown in below  figure.


Step 4:- Now, we have to configure the UNION ALL control. To do this right click on UNION ALL control and click on EDIT option. Here we have to configure all the columns which we need to union.


Step 5:- Once the UNION ALL is configured our next step is to get the output of UNION ALL in a resultant file. for this we have to drag drop destination flat file control as shown in below figure.


Step 6:- Now we have to configure the flat file destination and save it to specific location. A part from this we have to provide input to flat file destination which will be output of UNION ALL control. As shown in below figure I am saving the file on same location and giving name finaloutput.txt


Step 7:- Once all the above step is processed by us the final step is to run the package for this just click on RUN icon or hit F5. If everything is working fine the we will get following  result with all the green right check images.


If you see above image we did union of all the 3 files and saved output in a single file.

Now, for learning purpose and to make the post simplest I use only same type source you can use different type of source and destination as per your need.

A part from this UNION ALL doesn’t remove duplicate so if there are duplicates in the files it will not remove.

I hope this article will help you somewhere.  Please provide your inputs.

Enjoy !!!


Step by Step SSIS–Aggregate Transformation TIP #118


Dear Friends,

In the series of step by step SSIS tutorial this is another post. In this post we will see Aggregate Transformation. I am pretty much sure you are aware of aggregation. Although , Just wanted to share that aggregation operation in generally memory expensive operation.

So, whenever you want aggregation & want to use group by function then in such situation you can use Aggregation transformation.

There are different group by option available like MIN, MAX , COUNT, SUM, AVERAGE etc.

Let’s understand how to use Aggregate transformation step by step.

For current example we are using Adventureworks database and we are using below query. Here we are fetching the product data with line total,unit price  & other details.


if you see the records in the table you will find that there are multiple records for same product with different line total.

Our objective is to aggregate or do sum of Line total according to Line Number and export the result in a csv.

Step 1:- So , Now start with package creation add a new package in solution and drag drop source Assistant and configure the database connection as we did earlier in the tutorials

Step 1.1 – Drag drop  Data flow task

Step 1

Step 1.2 – double click data flow task  and drag drop source assistance control

Step 1.1

Step 1.3 – Configure source assistance

Step 1.2

Step 2: Once the source assistance is configured with SQL SERVER connection string and specific query we will drag drop Aggregate Transformation control as shown in below figure


Step 3:- Now configure this aggregate control. So Just right click aggregate control and select Edit option. Now as we require Sum of LineTotal so we have selected SUM in operation column’s drop down and rest other has drop down option group by.



Step 4:-

Now, drag drop flat file destination and configure it.


Now configure flat file  with mapping as shown in below figures

Step 4.1

Step 4.2

Step 5: Now run it you will get desire result as shown in below figure


If you see in the result we got 757 rows after processing 121,317

Now see the result in actual as shown in below file


I hope this example might help you to understand Aggregate transformation. Please provide your inputs.

Enjoy !!


Step by Step SSIS – Conditional Split Transformation TIP #117

In the series of Zero to Hero in SSIS this is our next post. In this post we will see Conditional Split transformation.

I am pretty much sure that by the name you got some impression what it would be.

So, a Conditional Split Transformation is a way by which you can conditionally split an input into multiple output.

Suppose, You are a food supplier and you cook both veg & non veg food. Now according to orders by client you need to move those order requests to particular kitchen to prepare those orders.

Let’s understand it by following step by step execution example.

In this example , I am using AdventureWorks database as a source database connection. We are fetching products along with categories. We need Bikes products in different file and rest other product in different file. You can see products with categories shown below in this image Accessories , bikes are the categories.


Step 1:- Create a  new package and drag drop data flow task control and double click it. You will get a new screen which data flow task. Now drag drop Source Assistance. from SSIS controls tool bar.


Now as usual we have to configure the database connection string and set the database to adventureworks.


Step 2:- Once the database is configured right click on control and choose edit property. You will get below screen where you need to specify the query which we shown earlier in figure.


Once you done with above steps you need to configure columns as well so, click on Columns and configure it.


Step 3:- Now drag drop conditional split and connect input arrow to it as shown in figure


Step 4:- Now choose edit option by right clicking the conditional split and configure it.  When you click you will get screen like below. You will find different condition operator. One important point to remember here you need to drag drop column name to condition textbox.  As our aim is to have product with Bikes category in a different file and other categories in different file.So we use following condition as shown in below figure.


Step 5:-Now drag drop a flat file destination and assign the output of the above conditional split to File destination. You will get following screen. As you see we are assigning Bike condition output to this file which means all the products which belongs to bikes categories should be available in this.


Step 6: Now Configure the flat file destination by choosing the edit option.




Step 7:- In similar way we have to capture the output which not belongs to Bikes category as shown in below figure


Step 8: In nutshell we will get following screen


We almost done here. Now to check whether this conditional split is working or not. To check this hit F5 or run the package. So, if you see below everything working fine. We got 32 rows in bike category and 73 rows in other categories.


To cross check result we will see the file output as well


So , If you  go through all the above steps we have achieved Conditional split example.

I hope this post might help you to understand conditional split.

In next step we will go for next step in SSIS.

Enjoy !!!


Step by Step SSIS learning What Data Conversion use in SSIS ? TIP#116

Dear Friends,

In the series of step by step learning of SSIS this is part #6 in which we are going to learn a new control Data Conversion.  I am sure by the name it clear that this control will be use when we require data type conversion of input columns then we need this control. This is exactly same like CONVERT  or CAST  in our programming.

Although, Here it would be important to share SSIS also have data type which are similar to other programming or database’s data types

Like DT_NUMERIC is equivalent to numeric data type, DT_I2 is equivalent to smallint, DT_str is equivalent to VARCHAR and so on.

I am sure you will find this control fairly simple so without wasting much time lets start step by step.

For a change I am using excel data source here.

Suppose, we have an excel of sales order which have columns like sales order, subtotal,Tax amount, and freight.


Here sales order is varchar, while SubTotal , Tax amount & Freight are numeric with decimal 4 places. We want to convert the numeric field in integer and want result in a flat file. so let’s start.

Step1 :- Drag drop a Data flow Task control and double click it. Now add an excel data source from SSIS tool bar as shown in below figure.


Step 2:- Now next step is to configure this excel source. so to do this just right click and use EDIT option. You will get a screen where you need to provide the file which we want to access.


Once the connection with excel is established the Next very important step is to configure sheet as highlighted in below figure. remember you need to configure this sheet because an excel may have number of sheets available so you need to assign proper sheet whose data you want to process.


Step 3: Once the sheet is configured you can choose the columns as well which you want to process or want in destination by click column’s option in as shown in below figure


Step 4:- Now drag drop the data conversion control from SSIS toolbar


Step 5:- Now , open context menu and click edit button to configure data conversion. Now remember here we have to change data from numeric to integer (As discussed earlier our aim). so just change the desire data type which is integer (DT_I4) of all the three numeric data type. As shown in below figure. Also , point to remember here if when you do data type conversion you need to careful about Aliasing also. You will see copy of as a prefix on column.


Step 6:- Now, we need this output in flat file so adding a file destination control from SSIS toolbox and configuring it by clicking Edit button as shown in below figure.


Step 7:- In next step we have to configure the file location and columns which we require in the flat file. And delete unnecessary columns which are not required.



Step 8 : Once the above step is done, we are good to go to run this package. So,hold your breath for few second and hit F5 Smile .

You will get find below screen. Which shows that all the provided rows are inserted in file. 


Step 9 : To cross check whether file has integer columns or not lets open it.


So, if you see above screen we did it successfully. So we achieved our goal in this post and used DATA conversion control successfully.

I hope you feel this post useful.

Thanks for reading this post.

Enjoy !!!